Category: Programming

  • Educational project: recording animation on metro cards

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    We did this project together with my son Nikolai. I helped with the initial stage of assembling the device, Nikolai did the Python programming. Hardware The project is made on Raspberry Pi B+, NFC sensor from ELECHOUSE based on PN532 chip, LED matrix 8*8 based on MAX7219. The matrix is ​​connected via SPI interface, libraries…

  • Second Floor


    Continuation of the story with the device for testing the Deauthentication attack on the Wi-Fi network. Having played with the prototype from the previous project, I realized that the efficiency of the work is still not sufficient. The last straw was my son’s smartphone, which reconnected so quickly that it was not clear at all…

  • Weekend on the Dark Side

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    Hackaday Article Github A long time ago, I ordered several ESP8266 modules (ESP-201 modification) to create a “smart home” system, which I still haven’t finished. Not long before that, I was working on a project in the field of Wi-Fi network security, and I got quite familiar with the arsenal of utilities for working…

  • Robot from a vacuum cleaner

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    The project was conceived for joint work with my children: Nikolai (12 years old) and Alexey (8 years old). In an attempt to interest the children in something educational, I bought Strela (Arduino Leonardo) and RaspberryPi B+ boards for experiments. After some torment, Strela was able to befriend the children’s Scratch development environment. (The torment…